Wisdom Tooth Removal in Brentwood

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Brentwood

If your wisdom teeth are causing pain, discomfort, or swelling, schedule a visit with Platinum Smiles Family Dentistry for a proper diagnosis to determine whether or not they should be extracted.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Brentwood

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, it is recommended that you remove them. But keep in mind that failing to remove teeth that are growing in at an angle can cause them to be trapped within your jawbone, resulting in pain and a myriad of complications that may require additional treatment.

Before extracting the teeth, we will take an x-ray to observe the position and condition of your wisdom teeth underneath the gums. When ready for the extraction, a local anesthesia will be administered to numb the area and make the process as comfortable as possible.

Troublesome wisdom teeth can be extracted at any age, but delaying the process can make removal more troublesome and recovery much slower. If you’re in Brentwood or surrounding areas, please call our office at 925-634-9118 to discuss more about Wisdom Tooth Removal in Brentwood.